Is it possible to control overwriting to a file with the same name when uploading a file?
A file with the same name already existed in the space where the file was uploaded,and it was overwritten.
Can I control overwriting like Windows Explorer?
Fleekdrive cannot display a message when a file with the same name exists, and there is no function to automatically save it with a different name.
However, since it has only been upgraded, past versions will remain.
Therefore, you can browse past versions or control file version upgrades with access authority.
Managing the file versions
Even if the version has been updated, you can browse or download the files of the past version.
* Please see this page for details:Where can I view the previous version of file?
You can set the number of versions that can be saved to any number of times.
* Please see this page for details:Manage the file versions
Control file version upgrade with access authority
By prohibiting “upgraded by uploading” of access authority, that user will not be able to upload the file with the same name which uploaded one by another user.
* Please see this page for details:Create the Access authority
Last Updated : 01 Sep 2021
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