When I delivered the file, it arrived in the junk mail folder of the delivery destination.


After delivering files, it seems that it will be sorted to the junk mail folder at a specific delivery destination.

Is it possible to take measures on the Fleekdrive?


If a specific e-mail address or subject is used as a key to sort to the junk e-mail folder, the administrator may be able to take measures by changing the e-mail address or subject of the sender.

Change the sender’s email address

IIf selected “Revert to default value” from Fleekdrive Settings> Notification > Send Mail, you will receive an email from “info@fleekdrive.com”.

But if that email address falls under the filter, please change the e-mail address sent from the system to an e-mail address that is not subject to junk e-mail.

*Click here to change the sender’s email address

Change the template

If headlines such as [Fleekdrive flie delivery] are recognized as junk e-mail in the title of delivery, go to Settings> Notification> Mail templates,the template to correct the text that does not correspond to junk e-mail.

*Click here to change templates


Fleekdrive support cannot provide specific settings on the mail server used in the customer environment.
Please check the settings of the junk e-mail filter of the destination and correspond.

Last Updated : 27 Jan 2022

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