I got an error in file delivery, but are there a list of error messages and cause?


I got an error in file delivery, but is there a list of error messages?
Also, please tell me the cause.


See the table below for error messages and possible causes of error.

message cause
 -500 Hop count exceeded. Possible mail loop. The message may have looped on the recipient server and reached the maximum number of times.
The recipient was not found. The recipient may not have been found.
Other persistent errors have occurred. Please ask our Fleekdrive support desk.
The message was rejected. There is a possibility that the recipient has set not to receive it.
The recipient’s mailbox does not exist. The destination may not exist.
Unknown user. The recipient may not have been found.
The status is unknown. Please ask our Fleekdrive support desk.
The recipient’s email account does not exist. The destination email address may not exist.
 500 The service is not available. Please ask our Fleekdrive support desk.
 522 The allocated storage capacity has been exceeded. The capacity of the recipient’s mail server or the user’s mailbox may have been exceeded.
 550 The recipient’s mailbox does not exist or is unavailable. The destination may not exist, or the recipient may have set it so that it will not be received.
 552 The recipient’s mailbox is full. The recipient’s mail server or the user’s mailbox may be out of space.
 553 Unknown user. The recipient may not have been found.
 553 Other persistent errors have occurred. Please ask our Fleekdrive support desk.
 554 The recipient’s address has been rejected. It is possible that the recipient’s mail server could not be connected.
The message was rejected. There is a possibility that the recipient has set not to receive it.
Transaction failed. The processing of the recipient mail server may have failed. This error message may occur if the destination does not exist or if the storage capacity of the mailbox is exceeded.
 601 The recipient’s address has been rejected. It is possible that the recipient’s mail server could not be connected.
 606 The expiration date has passed. Due to the limitation of the number of mails received by the recipient’s mail server, it was not possible to send within the time to live.
 711 The host was not found. There is a possibility that a DNS error has occurred, such as the MX record cannot be referenced and the name cannot be resolved.
 720 The host was not found. There is a possibility that a DNS error has occurred, such as the MX record cannot be referenced and the name cannot be resolved.
 730 Hop count exceeded. Possible mail loop. The message may have looped on the recipient server and reached the maximum number of times.
 850 Unknown user. The recipient may not have been found.
All recipient addresses have been rejected. It is possible that the recipient’s mail server could not be connected.
Access denied. Access may be denied, such as when the recipient has set domain denial.
The message was rejected. There is a possibility that the recipient has set not to receive it.

The differences between the alphabets “BE” and “LE” displayed after the error number are as follows.

Section Description
 LE There may be a problem on the system side, such as the sending server failing to send under heavy load.
Please ask our Fleekdrive support desk.
 BE An error will occur when sending data to the recipient’s mail server. There may be a problem with the recipient server, such as the corresponding email address does not exist.


Last Updated : 21 Jan 2022

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