Is it possible to display the creation date of a file instead of the date it was stored on Fleekdrive?


Is it possible to display the creation date of a file instead of the date it was stored on Fleekdrive?


There is no function to automatically acquire and display the date when the file itself was created, but you can create a “custom item” from the Settings > Display Item > Custom Display Items menu, and the user can enters the creation date of the file.

See below for how to create custom fields.
Add the attribute items to a space or file

If you want to make it mandatory to enter the date when the file itself was created when saving the file, you can prevent it from being left blank by checking “Required”.

To display the created custom item as a column item of “Files”, please set in Settings > Display Item > Show Fields.

See below for details on displaying items.
Customize the default display columns and sort orders

Last Updated : 17 Aug 2022

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