Search for files

Guide for search for files.

The kind of search.

There are 2 types of search.
1. Normal Search
Search by title for file and space name (Folder name).

2. Full-Text Search
The matches in the search word are highlighted.

* The files of 10GB or less are target. (Text files are untill 10MB)

[Search Target]
・File Name
・Space Name (Normal Search only)
・Description (files)
・Custom Items
・Text in the document (Full-Text Search only)

[Search Target extension]

Do a normal search.

Select the space (folder) you want to search for.
Enter the word you want to search and press “Enter” key on your PC.

*The lower level of the selected target spaces will be searched.
Please note that if the target space is not appropriate, the search will be not hit.

Do a full-text search.

Select the space you want to search for.
▼Click Change to full-text search, enter the word you want to search and press the “Enter” key on your PC.

Confirm your search results.

Confirm the search results.
The matches in the search word are highlighted.

Note:Search Options
You can specify the search keyword by connecting.

* Please enter a half-width space before and after AND, OR, NOT.

・ AND Search
An "AND" search can also be executed by joining the keywords using the "AND" word. Words or phrases should be separated by spaces.
Documents that contain the word or phrase in the specified target space will be included in the search.
However, it is not possible to search using the "AND" phrase to a document name and text.

・ OR Search
An "OR" search can also be executed by joining the keywords using the "OR" word. Words or phrases should be separated by space.
Document containing any of the specified keywords in the specified target space will be included in the search.

・ NOT Search
By specifying the keyword "NOT" in front of the phrase, you can search for documents that do not contain the specified term. It can used together with the "AND" search.
For example,if you search for "cloud NOT content", this searches for documents that contain the word "cloud" but do not contain the word "content".

・On search result screen you may not be able to use Gallery display.

Last Updated : 24 Feb 2024


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