The items for user import format

Guide for the items of the user import format.

*Do not delete the column heading line.
*Displayed items are differ depending on the edition / option and authority and may be added or changed due to version upgrade.

Import item.

* mark is required item.
ID is mandatory for existing users. For new users, it can be blank.

Item name Description
ID Unique ID that is assigned to individual user to manage them on the system. In the order of registration, auto-number will be assigned on individual user.
※This is mandatory for existing users. For new user, it can be blank.
lastname * Surname of a user.
firstname Given name of a user.
lastname_kana * Phonetic last name of the user.
firstname_kana * Phonetic last name of the user.
userid * User ID to login.
mail * Enter an email address for notification.
profile * Name of profile assigned to individual user is displayed.
corporation * Name of the user’s organization. (If it is not the same with the name of the contract organization, it assumed to be the name of the partner organization).
number Employee number of the user.
post The name of the user’s department and post.
group If you want to belong to a group, enter the group name.
It can specify multiple groups separated by commas.
sub_recognizer The ID of the user’s workflow delegated approve.
boss The ID of the user’s superior.
timezone * In the case of “(GMT+09:00) Japan Standard Time (Asia/Tokyo)”, the value will be set with parentheses at the end, in the “Asia/Tokyo”.
lang * “ja” for Japanese, “en” for English and “zn” for Chinese.
disk * This is the maximum disk capacity of user’s Myspace. Set number of disk size (unit is in GB) or in the case of limitless , input “unlimited”.
delivery * This is the maximum delivery capacity of the user. Set number of delivery size (unit is in GB) or in the case of limitless, input “unlimited”.
available_disk * If the user’s usage of My Space exceeds the diskThreshold, the user is notified.
Set “TRUE” to notify or “FALSE” to not notify.
diskThreshold * The threshold of the disk to notify the user’s usage of My space.
Set according to the unit of “diskThresholdUnit”.
diskThresholdUnit * The unit of the disk threshold for notifying the user’s usage of My space.
Set “GB” or “%”.
available_delivery * Notify the user when the delivery amount of the user exceeds the “delivery Threshold”.
Set “TRUE” to notify or “FALSE” to not notify.
deliveryThreshold * The threshold of delivery that notifies delivery of the user.
Set according to the “delivery ThresholdUnit”.
deliveryThresholdUnit * The unit of the threshold of delivery that notifies the delivery of the user.
Set “GB” or “%”.
available * Status of a user, either Activated or Deactivated, is displayed.
TRUE(Activated), FALSE(Deactivated).
init_display_space Set the initial display space in each user.
Please specify this item, such as “Collabo Space > A > AA”.
※Only available in the case of update for user data.
receive_admin_mail Receive e-mails about version upgrades and maintenance information.
Set to “TRUE” to receive or “FALSE” to not receive.
birthday The user’s birthday
last_login The date and time the user last logged in. This item is unnecessary when import.
pw_reset If reset password for user, specify TRUE.
The following 5 items are required if the organization has user expiration.
active * If you specify either active_start_date (start date) or active_end_date (end_date), FALSE (out of valid date) will appear.If noting is specified. TRUE will appear.
active_start_date Enter start date.
active_end_date Enter end date.
active_time_zone Please input standard time for start date / end date.
lock * FALSE will appear if it’s not locked, and TRUE will appear if it’s locked.

Time zone.

Supported time zones.
Set the value in the final parenthesis.

・(GMT+14:00) Line Islands Time (Pacific/Kiritimati)
・(GMT+13:00) Phoenix Islands Time (Pacific/Enderbury)
・(GMT+13:00) Tonga Time (Pacific/Tongatapu)
・(GMT+12:45) Chatham Standard Time (Pacific/Chatham)
・(GMT+12:00) Magadan Time (Asia/Kamchatka)
・(GMT+12:00) New Zealand Standard Time(Pacific/Auckland)
・(GMT+12:00) Fiji Time(Pacific/Fiji)
・GMT+11:30) Norfolk Islands Time(Pacific/Norfolk)
・(GMT+11:00) Solomon Islands Time (Pacific/Guadalcanal)
・(GMT+10:30) Lord Howe Standard Time(Australia/Lord_Howe)
・(GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Australia/Brisbane)
・(GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Australia/Sydney)
・(GMT+09:30) Australian Central Standard Time (Australia/Adelaide)
・(GMT+09:30) Australian Central Standard Time (Australia/Darwin)
・(GMT+09:00) Korean Standard Time (Asia/Seoul)
・(GMT+09:00) Japan Standard Time (Asia/Tokyo)
・(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong Time (Asia/Hong_Kong)
・(GMT+08:00) Malaysia Time (Asia/Kuala_Lumpur)
・(GMT+08:00) Philippine Time (Asia/Manila)
・(GMT+08:00) China Standard Time (Asia/Shanghai)
・(GMT+08:00) Singapore Standard Time (Asia/Singapore )
・(GMT+08:00) Taipei Standard Time (Asia/Taipei )
・(GMT+08:00) Australian Western Standard Time (Australia/Perth)
・(GMT+07:00) Indochina Time (Asia/Bangkok)
・(GMT+06:30) Myanmar Time (Asia/Rangoon)
・(GMT+06:00) Bangladesh Time (Asia/Dacca)
・(GMT+06:00) Yekaterinburg Time (Asia/Yekaterinburg)
・(GMT+05:45) Nepal Time (Asia/Katmandu)
・(GMT+05:30) India Standard Time (Asia/Calcutta)
・(GMT+05:30) India Standard Time (Asia/Colombo)
・(GMT+05:00) Pakistan Time (Asia/Karachi)
・(GMT+05:00) Uzbekistan Time (Asia/Tashkent)
・(GMT+04:30) Afganistan Time (Asia/Kabul)
・(GMT+04:30) Iran Daylight Time (Asia/Tehran)
・(GMT+04:00) Gulf Standard Time (Asia/Dubai)
・(GMT+04:00) Geogia Time (Asia/Tbilisi)
・(GMT+04:00) Moscow Standard Time (Europe/Moscow )
・(GMT+03:00) East Africa Time (Africa/Nairobi)
・(GMT+03:00) Arabian Standard Time (Asia/Baghdad)
・(GMT+03:00) Israel Daylight Time (Asia/Jerusalem)
・(GMT+03:00) Arabian Standard Time (Asia/Kuwait)
・(GMT+03:00) Arabian Standard Time (Asia/Riyadh)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Summer Time (European /Athens)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Summer Time (European/Bucharest)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Summer Time (European/Helsinki)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Summer Time (European/Istanbul)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Time (European/Minsk)
・(GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time (Africa/Cairo)
・(GMT+02:00) South Africa Standard Time (Africa/Johannesburg)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Amsterdam)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Berlin)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Brussels)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Paris)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Prague)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Rome)
・(GMT+01:00) Central European Summer Time (Africa/Algiers)
・(GMT+01:00) Irish Summer Time (Europe/Dublin)
・(GMT+01:00) Western European Summer Time (Europe/Lisbon)
・(GMT+01:00) British Summer Time (Europe/London)
・(GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
・(GMT+01:00) Cape Verde Time (Atlantic/Cape_Verde)
・(GMT+02:00) South Georgia Time (Atlantic/South_Georgia)
・(GMT+02:00) Newfoundland Daylight Time (America/St_Johns)
・(GMT+03:00) Argentina Time (America/Buenos_Aires)
・(GMT+03:00) Atlantic Daylight Time (America/Halifax)
・(GMT+03:00) Brasilia Time (America/Sao_Paulo)
・(GMT+03:00) Atlantic Daylight Time (Atlantic /Bermuda)
・(GMT+04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (America/Indianapolis)
・(GMT+04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (America/New_York)
・(GMT+04:00) Atlantic Standard Time (America/Puerto_Rico)
・(GMT+04:00) Chile Time (America/Santiago)
・(GMT+04:30) Venezuela Time (America/Caracas)
・(GMT+05:00) Colombia Time (America/Bogota)
・(GMT+05:00) Central Daylight Time (America/Chicago)
・(GMT+05:00) Peru Time (America/Lima)
・(GMT+05:00) Central Daylight Time (America/Mexico_City)
・(GMT+05:00) Eastern Standard Time (America/Panama)
・(GMT+06:00) Mountain Daylight Time (America/Denver)
・(GMT+06:00) Central Standard Time (America/EL_Salvador)
・(GMT+07:00) Pacific Daylight Time (America/Los_Angeles)
・(GMT+07:00) Mountain Standard Time (America/Phoenix)
・(GMT+07:00) Alaska Daylight Time (America/Tijuana)
・(GMT+08:00) Alaska Daylight Time (America/Anchorage)
・(GMT+10:00) Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (Pacific/Honolulu)
・(GMT+11:00) Niue Time (Pacific/Niue)
・(GMT+11:00) Samoa Standard Time (Pacific/Pago_Pago)

Last Updated : 23 Jun 2021


* Please describe the circumstances of events that occurred, frequency of occurrence, and procedures for reproducing in as detail as possible.
Please also inform me of the type of browser in which the event occurred and the environment information such as the OS.

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