Confirm the space that the users are shared
Guide for confirming the space that the users are shared.
Select the extract method.
Click the Space User Extraction from Settings menu.
From the icon on the upper right, select “Extract Shared Space” or “Extract Shared User”.
[Extract Shared User]
You can confirm which users are shared in the target space with “Space” as the starting point.
[Extract Shared Space]
You can confirm which spaces are shared the user with “User” as the starting point.
Confirm the shared users.
In “Extract Shared User”, click the target space and you can confirm the shared user.
Confirm the spaces that shared with the user.
In “Extract Shared Space”, click the “Add” button and select the user or group you want to extract.
Confirm the shared spaces.
It will show the spaces where the users and groups are shared (have access) as you set the extract conditions.
Last Updated : 23 Jun 2021