Administrator Guide
This is a guide that describes settings for the administrator.
According to the operation you want to do for files, clicking the category on the left and you can confirm each guide.
- Create User or Manage…
It can confirm the procedure for registering users, setting groups, departments, and job titles.
- Set the Permissions…
It can confirm the procedure for creating permissions and assigning them to users.
- Perform the Security setting…
It can confirm the procedure to set the password policy or access to only the permitted IP address.
- Limit Disk storage…
It can confirm the procedure for setting the upper limit and threshold of the file storage capacity.
- Confirm the Trail…
It can confirm the operation trail for the file and the export procedure.
- Manage Files…
It can confirm the procedure for setting file version control and automatic organization.
- Manage Workflow…
It can confirm the procedure to set the workflow definition and category.
- Set the Notification…
It can confirm the setting procedure to customize the e-mail address or contents sent from Fleekdrive.
Please refer to the “User Guide” for how to operate the files.