Administrator Guide

This is a guide that describes settings for the administrator.

According to the operation you want to do for files, clicking the category on the left and you can confirm each guide.

  • Create User or Manage…
    It can confirm the procedure for registering users, setting groups, departments, and job titles.
  • Set the Permissions…
    It can confirm the procedure for creating permissions and assigning them to users.
  • Perform the Security setting…
    It can confirm the procedure to set the password policy or access to only the permitted IP address.
  • Limit Disk storage…
    It can confirm the procedure for setting the upper limit and threshold of the file storage capacity.
  • Confirm the Trail…
    It can confirm the operation trail for the file and the export procedure.
  • Manage Files…
    It can confirm the procedure for setting file version control and automatic organization.
  • Manage Workflow…
    It can confirm the procedure to set the workflow definition and category.
  • Set the Notification…
    It can confirm the setting procedure to customize the e-mail address or contents sent from Fleekdrive.

Please refer to the “User Guide” for how to operate the files.


* Please describe the circumstances of events that occurred, frequency of occurrence, and procedures for reproducing in as detail as possible.
Please also inform me of the type of browser in which the event occurred and the environment information such as the OS.

  • Please select
  • Contents
  • Delivery
  • Workflow
  • Evidence
  • Setting
  • Other
  • Please select
  • Question
  • Request
  • Bugreport
  • Paid support
  • High
  • Middle
  • Low