Edit Dashboard widgets

Guide for creating a Dashboard and publish file usage frequencies to users.

Edit Widget

From the Edit Dashboard screen, click the Edit Widget button to change the Widget content.

Select widget name and type

Widget name and type can be selected on the “Edit Widget” screen.

Make advanced widget settings

Clicking on “Detail” from the widget edit screen allows you to set the period, space, group, etc., for the aggregation.

Dates can be set as below.

Unit Period
Day This year
Last year
Two years ago

*The date from Sunday

This week
Last week
The week before last
Month This month
Last month
Two months ago
Year This year
Last year
Two years ago

Last Updated : 12 Jun 2023


* Please describe the circumstances of events that occurred, frequency of occurrence, and procedures for reproducing in as detail as possible.
Please also inform me of the type of browser in which the event occurred and the environment information such as the OS.

  • Please select
  • Contents
  • Delivery
  • Workflow
  • Evidence
  • Setting
  • Other
  • Please select
  • Question
  • Request
  • Bugreport
  • Paid support
  • High
  • Middle
  • Low