The items for user import format
Guide for the items of the user import format.
*Do not delete the column heading line.
*Displayed items are differ depending on the edition / option and authority and may be added or changed due to version upgrade.
Import item.
* mark is required item.
ID is mandatory for existing users. For new users, it can be blank.
Item name | Description |
ID | Unique ID that is assigned to individual user to manage them on the system. In the order of registration, auto-number will be assigned on individual user. ※This is mandatory for existing users. For new user, it can be blank. |
lastname * | Surname of a user. |
firstname | Given name of a user. |
lastname_kana * | Phonetic last name of the user. |
firstname_kana * | Phonetic last name of the user. |
userid * | User ID to login. |
mail * | Enter an email address for notification. |
profile * | Name of profile assigned to individual user is displayed. |
corporation * | Name of the user’s organization. (If it is not the same with the name of the contract organization, it assumed to be the name of the partner organization). |
number | Employee number of the user. |
post | The name of the user’s department and post. |
group | If you want to belong to a group, enter the group name. It can specify multiple groups separated by commas. |
sub_recognizer | The ID of the user’s workflow delegated approve. |
boss | The ID of the user’s superior. |
timezone * | In the case of “(GMT+09:00) Japan Standard Time (Asia/Tokyo)”, the value will be set with parentheses at the end, in the “Asia/Tokyo”. |
lang * | “ja” for Japanese, “en” for English and “zn” for Chinese. |
disk * | This is the maximum disk capacity of user’s Myspace. Set number of disk size (unit is in GB) or in the case of limitless , input “unlimited”. |
delivery * | This is the maximum delivery capacity of the user. Set number of delivery size (unit is in GB) or in the case of limitless, input “unlimited”. |
available_disk * | If the user’s usage of My Space exceeds the diskThreshold, the user is notified. Set “TRUE” to notify or “FALSE” to not notify. |
diskThreshold * | The threshold of the disk to notify the user’s usage of My space. Set according to the unit of “diskThresholdUnit”. |
diskThresholdUnit * | The unit of the disk threshold for notifying the user’s usage of My space. Set “GB” or “%”. |
available_delivery * | Notify the user when the delivery amount of the user exceeds the “delivery Threshold”. Set “TRUE” to notify or “FALSE” to not notify. |
deliveryThreshold * | The threshold of delivery that notifies delivery of the user. Set according to the “delivery ThresholdUnit”. |
deliveryThresholdUnit * | The unit of the threshold of delivery that notifies the delivery of the user. Set “GB” or “%”. |
available * | Status of a user, either Activated or Deactivated, is displayed. TRUE(Activated), FALSE(Deactivated). |
init_display_space | Set the initial display space in each user. Please specify this item, such as “Collabo Space > A > AA”. ※Only available in the case of update for user data. |
receive_admin_mail | Receive e-mails about version upgrades and maintenance information. Set to “TRUE” to receive or “FALSE” to not receive. |
birthday | The user’s birthday |
last_login | The date and time the user last logged in. This item is unnecessary when import. |
pw_reset | If reset password for user, specify TRUE. |
The following 5 items are required if the organization has user expiration. | |
active * | If you specify either active_start_date (start date) or active_end_date (end_date), FALSE (out of valid date) will appear.If noting is specified. TRUE will appear. |
active_start_date | Enter start date. |
active_end_date | Enter end date. |
active_time_zone | Please input standard time for start date / end date. |
lock * | FALSE will appear if it’s not locked, and TRUE will appear if it’s locked. |
Time zone.
Supported time zones.
Set the value in the final parenthesis.
・(GMT+14:00) Line Islands Time (Pacific/Kiritimati)
・(GMT+13:00) Phoenix Islands Time (Pacific/Enderbury)
・(GMT+13:00) Tonga Time (Pacific/Tongatapu)
・(GMT+12:45) Chatham Standard Time (Pacific/Chatham)
・(GMT+12:00) Magadan Time (Asia/Kamchatka)
・(GMT+12:00) New Zealand Standard Time(Pacific/Auckland)
・(GMT+12:00) Fiji Time(Pacific/Fiji)
・GMT+11:30) Norfolk Islands Time(Pacific/Norfolk)
・(GMT+11:00) Solomon Islands Time (Pacific/Guadalcanal)
・(GMT+10:30) Lord Howe Standard Time(Australia/Lord_Howe)
・(GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Australia/Brisbane)
・(GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Australia/Sydney)
・(GMT+09:30) Australian Central Standard Time (Australia/Adelaide)
・(GMT+09:30) Australian Central Standard Time (Australia/Darwin)
・(GMT+09:00) Korean Standard Time (Asia/Seoul)
・(GMT+09:00) Japan Standard Time (Asia/Tokyo)
・(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong Time (Asia/Hong_Kong)
・(GMT+08:00) Malaysia Time (Asia/Kuala_Lumpur)
・(GMT+08:00) Philippine Time (Asia/Manila)
・(GMT+08:00) China Standard Time (Asia/Shanghai)
・(GMT+08:00) Singapore Standard Time (Asia/Singapore )
・(GMT+08:00) Taipei Standard Time (Asia/Taipei )
・(GMT+08:00) Australian Western Standard Time (Australia/Perth)
・(GMT+07:00) Indochina Time (Asia/Bangkok)
・(GMT+06:30) Myanmar Time (Asia/Rangoon)
・(GMT+06:00) Bangladesh Time (Asia/Dacca)
・(GMT+06:00) Yekaterinburg Time (Asia/Yekaterinburg)
・(GMT+05:45) Nepal Time (Asia/Katmandu)
・(GMT+05:30) India Standard Time (Asia/Calcutta)
・(GMT+05:30) India Standard Time (Asia/Colombo)
・(GMT+05:00) Pakistan Time (Asia/Karachi)
・(GMT+05:00) Uzbekistan Time (Asia/Tashkent)
・(GMT+04:30) Afganistan Time (Asia/Kabul)
・(GMT+04:30) Iran Daylight Time (Asia/Tehran)
・(GMT+04:00) Gulf Standard Time (Asia/Dubai)
・(GMT+04:00) Geogia Time (Asia/Tbilisi)
・(GMT+04:00) Moscow Standard Time (Europe/Moscow )
・(GMT+03:00) East Africa Time (Africa/Nairobi)
・(GMT+03:00) Arabian Standard Time (Asia/Baghdad)
・(GMT+03:00) Israel Daylight Time (Asia/Jerusalem)
・(GMT+03:00) Arabian Standard Time (Asia/Kuwait)
・(GMT+03:00) Arabian Standard Time (Asia/Riyadh)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Summer Time (European /Athens)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Summer Time (European/Bucharest)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Summer Time (European/Helsinki)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Summer Time (European/Istanbul)
・(GMT+03:00) Eastern European Time (European/Minsk)
・(GMT+02:00) Eastern European Time (Africa/Cairo)
・(GMT+02:00) South Africa Standard Time (Africa/Johannesburg)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Amsterdam)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Berlin)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Brussels)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Paris)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Prague)
・(GMT+02:00) Central European Summer Time (Europe/Rome)
・(GMT+01:00) Central European Summer Time (Africa/Algiers)
・(GMT+01:00) Irish Summer Time (Europe/Dublin)
・(GMT+01:00) Western European Summer Time (Europe/Lisbon)
・(GMT+01:00) British Summer Time (Europe/London)
・(GMT+00:00) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
・(GMT+01:00) Cape Verde Time (Atlantic/Cape_Verde)
・(GMT+02:00) South Georgia Time (Atlantic/South_Georgia)
・(GMT+02:00) Newfoundland Daylight Time (America/St_Johns)
・(GMT+03:00) Argentina Time (America/Buenos_Aires)
・(GMT+03:00) Atlantic Daylight Time (America/Halifax)
・(GMT+03:00) Brasilia Time (America/Sao_Paulo)
・(GMT+03:00) Atlantic Daylight Time (Atlantic /Bermuda)
・(GMT+04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (America/Indianapolis)
・(GMT+04:00) Eastern Daylight Time (America/New_York)
・(GMT+04:00) Atlantic Standard Time (America/Puerto_Rico)
・(GMT+04:00) Chile Time (America/Santiago)
・(GMT+04:30) Venezuela Time (America/Caracas)
・(GMT+05:00) Colombia Time (America/Bogota)
・(GMT+05:00) Central Daylight Time (America/Chicago)
・(GMT+05:00) Peru Time (America/Lima)
・(GMT+05:00) Central Daylight Time (America/Mexico_City)
・(GMT+05:00) Eastern Standard Time (America/Panama)
・(GMT+06:00) Mountain Daylight Time (America/Denver)
・(GMT+06:00) Central Standard Time (America/EL_Salvador)
・(GMT+07:00) Pacific Daylight Time (America/Los_Angeles)
・(GMT+07:00) Mountain Standard Time (America/Phoenix)
・(GMT+07:00) Alaska Daylight Time (America/Tijuana)
・(GMT+08:00) Alaska Daylight Time (America/Anchorage)
・(GMT+10:00) Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (Pacific/Honolulu)
・(GMT+11:00) Niue Time (Pacific/Niue)
・(GMT+11:00) Samoa Standard Time (Pacific/Pago_Pago)
Last Updated : 23 Jun 2021