I can’t delete the partner information, what should I do?


I can’t delete the partner information, what should I do?


Partner information cannot be deleted if there is a user to whom belong to this partner, regardless of whether the user is disabled or enabled.

Please confirm the user who belong to the partner by the following procedure and take action.

1. Export user information from the “Export” button on the Settings > User Management menu.
2. Check if there is a user who belongs to the partner organization you want to delete in the “corporation” item.
3. Empty the “corporation” of the user who belongs to the partner organization you want to delete, or enter the another partner organization.
4. Click the “Import” button from the User Management menu, and run the import.
5. Delete the partner organization from Settings > Organization > Partner menu.


Last Updated : 16 Sep 2020

Reference Page

Admin Guide
The items for user import format

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