What items of the Access Authority can I customize?


What items of Access Authority can I customize?


In Fleekdrive, you can set the operation authority in the Files menu.

By default, eight types are available: “Coordinator”, “Collaborator”, “Upviewer”, “Uploader”, “Editor”, “Creator”, “Downloader”, and “Viewer”.

In addition, you can create and assign new access authority with customized.

Click here for how to create access authority > Create the Access authority


*Displayed items are differ depending on the edition / option and authority, and may be added or changed due to version upgrade.


Coordinator Collaborator Upviewer Uploader   Editor
Creator Downloader Viewer
Shared List of × × × ×
Share to Space × × × × × ×
Space Create × ×
Upload × ×
Download × × × ×
Copy × × × × ×
Move × × × × ×
Delete × ×
View Property ×
Edit Property × ×
Files Upload × ×
Download × × × ×
Viewing ×
Online Edit × × × ×
Copy × × × × ×
Move × × × × ×
Delete × ×
View Property
Edit Property × ×
Share link × × × ×
Delivery × × × ×
Other user’s file upgraded by uploading × × ×
Download × × × × ×
Viewing ×
Online Edit × × × ×
Copy × × × × × ×
Move × × × × × ×
Delete × × × × × ×
Edit Property × × ×
Share link × × × × ×
Delivery × × × × ×
Shortcut Create × × × × ×
Delete × × × × ×
Office Addin Open File × × × × ×
Checkin-out × × × × × ×
Smart Action Lifecycle × × × × × × ×
Mail Notification × × × × × × ×
Smart Rule × × × × × × ×
PDF watermark settings × × × × × × ×
PDF security setting × × × × × × ×
Access period settings × × × × × × ×
Version management setting × × × × × × ×
Other Functions Moving between networking spaces × × × × × × ×
PDF conversion × ×
Execute Workflow × ×
Publish space to Web × × × × × × ×
Checkin-out × × × × × ×
Cancel check out × × × × × × ×
Archive × × × × × × ×
Browse Space History × × × × × × ×
Scanner cooperation Scan

*Even with the default authority,
 the user can change it to "○"
× × × × × × × ×

Last Updated : 10 May 2021

Reference Page

Admin Guide
Create the Access authority

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