What does the mark at the bottom right of the file icon mean?


What does the mark at the bottom right of the file icon mean?


A mark appears on the file icon when execute operations (such as workflows).



It is an icon displayed on the file submitted in the workflow.

Click here for a description of the workflow. Approve or reject the workflow     Apply or withdraw the workflow

Workflow application

The workflow is in progress and the file is unapproved.
While this icon is displayed, you cannot edit the file or change the file properties.

Workflow approved

This is the file for which final approval has been completed.
You can check the workflow history from Properties> History.


This icon is displayed for files that have been set exclusive control.

Click here for a description of the exclusive control. Make the exclusive control for files

Check-out has been executed

“Check-out” has been executed.
Files cannot be updated until the user who has set “check-out” performs “check-in”.

Edit Lock

A file that another user is editing online.

*Click here for a description of the online editing Edit the file online

Editing by another user

It is locked because it is being edited by another user.
To edit online, unlock the edit lock or allow simultaneous editing from the user who is editing.

Virus scan

Fleekdrive performs a virus scan when you upload a file.

An icon appears on the file while the virus scan is in progress.

Virus scan in progress

The file is being checked for security.
When completed, the icon will disappear automatically.


This mark appears in the shortcut file.

Click here for a description of the shortcut. Create shortcut

Shortcut file

These operations are available under the Shortcut File;
・PROPERTY (property reference)

If the original file was updated, the Shortcut will be updated to the latest version.

Convert to PDF

During conversion, the conversion mark appears in the lower right.

Click here for a description of the PDF conversion. Convert the files to PDF

Convert to PDF

Converting to PDF file.
When completed, the icon will disappear automatically.

Last Updated : 27 May 2021

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