When registering additional users in bulk, is it necessary to import all data including the existing ones?


I would like to add multiple users by CSV import, but do I need to import all of them including existing registered users?
Or is it okay to import only the parts to be added or changed?


It is not necessary to import all items, it is possible to update the difference by importing only the users who have been added or changed.

In the case of addition (new registration), please leave “ID” in column A of CSV blank and enter other necessary items to import.
In the case of changes, correct only the changed parts and import the other items as they are.
*Please note that if you leave the value of an item that you do not want to change blank, it will be updated blank.

Last Updated : 03 Mar 2023

Reference Page

Admin Guide
Register multiple users
Admin Guide
The items for user import format

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