File Delivery

I got an error in file delivery, but are there a list of error messages and cause?

Question I got an error in file delivery, but is there a list of error messages? Also, please tell m...

Last Updated : 21 Jan 2022

Is there a way to prevent the password for delivery from being automatically notified to the destination?

Question As a security measure, I don’t want to email passwords for delivery, public spaces, a...

Last Updated : 27 Mar 2022

What is the impact of changing the delivery’s “Display of sender name of download page”?

Question Where does changing the “Display of sender name of download page” in the delive...

Last Updated : 28 Apr 2023

Delivered user lost download password which generated automatically. Can I resend password mail?

Question Delivered user deleted password mail which generated automatically. Is there any way to con...

Last Updated : 09 May 2023

What settings are required to change the sender address?

Question What settings are required to change the sender address? Answer In case of using the domain...

Last Updated : 24 Sep 2020

“Password is incorrect.” error appears at delivery download page.

Question I’ve entered a password, which I’ve received by email, in delivered file downlo...

Last Updated : 09 May 2023

If I set the IP address in “IP address connection management”, the external users not be able to download files from the file delivery screen?

Question If I set the IP address in “IP address connection management”, the external use...

Last Updated : 20 May 2021

Language of File Delivery download page is not correct

Question Language of File Delivery download page is not correct. Answer The File Delivery download p...

Last Updated : 19 May 2023

Why is the delivery volume shortage displayed and the delivery download not possible?

Question When I try to download by distribution, the message “Download is failed due to the de...

Last Updated : 28 Oct 2021

When I delivered the file, it arrived in the junk mail folder of the delivery destination.

Question After delivering files, it seems that it will be sorted to the junk mail folder at a specif...

Last Updated : 27 Jan 2022


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