File Operation

Will downloads from embedded links remain in the Trail?

Last Updated : 08 Sep 2020

Are files moved to the Trash automatically deleted?

Question Are files moved to the Trash automatically deleted? Answer It is possible to use a function...

Last Updated : 26 Feb 2021

When is the public space right inherited?

Question When is the Public Space right inherited? Please tell me the conditions under which the tak...

Last Updated : 01 Sep 2021

Even though the number of deliveries was 0, the delivery usage was counted.

Question After checking the usage amount for each individual from the usage situation, even though t...

Last Updated : 18 Aug 2022

What happens if other users copy or download file while editing it online?

Question What happens if other users copy or download file while editing it online? Answer When a us...

Last Updated : 07 Mar 2023

When to use workflow conditional approvals?

Last Updated : 08 Sep 2020

Are there any prohibited characters in Fleekdrive?

Question Are there any prohibited characters in Fleekdrive? Answer The following characters cannot b...

Last Updated : 16 Apr 2021

Is it possible to control overwriting to a file with the same name when uploading a file?

Question A file with the same name already existed in the space where the file was uploaded,and it w...

Last Updated : 01 Sep 2021

I can’t create a space under “Shared” in My Space

Question I would like to create a new space under “Shared” in My Space, but when I click...

Last Updated : 02 Sep 2022

How many generations of previous version files can be restored?

Question How many generations of previous version files can be restored? Answer By default, there is...

Last Updated : 07 Mar 2023


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