Access Authority

What items of the Access Authority can I customize?

Question What items of Access Authority can I customize? Answer In Fleekdrive, you can set the opera...

Last Updated : 10 May 2021

What authorities do I have edit or check-out files in the Office Addin?

Question What authorities do I have edit or check-out files in the Office Addin? Answer The followin...

Last Updated : 04 Jun 2021

Is it possible to control overwriting to a file with the same name when uploading a file?

Question A file with the same name already existed in the space where the file was uploaded,and it w...

Last Updated : 01 Sep 2021

Unable to save office file after editing it online

Question I have online edited an office file uploaded by another user to Fleekdrive. I tried to save...

Last Updated : 21 Jan 2022

What is “Smart Action” in terms of Access Authority?

Question What is the functionality of the “Smart Action” that can be configured in the A...

Last Updated : 22 Jun 2023


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