Basic Operation

What is the recommended environment?

Last Updated : 08 Sep 2020

How long does it take to upload a bulk file?

Question How long does it take to upload a bulk file? Answer The approximate time required to comple...

Last Updated : 07 Jan 2021

Is there an upper limit when downloading multiple files?

Question Is there an upper limit when downloading multiple files? Answer The upper limit for downloa...

Last Updated : 01 Feb 2021

Is there an upper limit to the number of characters that can be entered in the file name?

Question Is there an upper limit to the number of characters that can be entered in the file name? A...

Last Updated : 01 Feb 2021

Can I recover deleted spaces or files from the Fleekdrive Trash Box?

Question Can I recover deleted spaces or files from the Fleekdrive Trash Box? Answer Spaces (folders...

Last Updated : 01 Feb 2021

A file upload failed, but I don’t know the reason.

Question When I tried to upload a file by Drag & Drop, the file upload failed. However, even if...

Last Updated : 30 Jan 2023


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