Basic Setting

Are there any characters that cannot be registered in the user ID?

Question Are there any characters that cannot be registered in the user ID? Answer The following cha...

Last Updated : 10 Jun 2021

Previously uploaded files are displayed on the upload result screen and I cannot be uploaded files.

Question When I uploaded a file from the upload button, the previously uploaded file was displayed i...

Last Updated : 18 Jan 2023

Can I delete a user?

Question Can I delete a user? Answer No. you can not delete users on Fleekdrive. However, you can de...

Last Updated : 15 Jun 2020

Is there an another way to add users aside from Fleekdrive screen?

Question Is there an another way to add users aside from Fleekdrive screen? Answer Yes, you can add ...

Last Updated : 12 Jun 2020


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