File Operation

What video and audio codecs are supported?

Question What video and audio codecs are supported? Answer Please refer to the tables below. ・Video ...

Last Updated : 20 Dec 2021

Are files moved to the Trash automatically deleted?

Question Are files moved to the Trash automatically deleted? Answer It is possible to use a function...

Last Updated : 26 Feb 2021

Why doesn’t a PDF file view online?

Question Why doesn’t a PDF file view online? Also, the error “Unexpected server response...

Last Updated : 02 Aug 2021

Is there a way to prevent the password for delivery from being automatically notified to the destination?

Question As a security measure, I don’t want to email passwords for delivery, public spaces, a...

Last Updated : 27 Mar 2022

I want to check the lifecycle execution date of uploaded files.

Question A space has a “life cycle” set up. The administrator has set up a schedule to b...

Last Updated : 06 Feb 2023

How many generations of previous version files can be restored?

Question How many generations of previous version files can be restored? Answer By default, there is...

Last Updated : 07 Mar 2023

How many simultaneous connections of video playback?

Question How many simultaneous connections of video playback? Answer The maximum number of simultane...

Last Updated : 07 Dec 2020

Are there any prohibited characters in Fleekdrive?

Question Are there any prohibited characters in Fleekdrive? Answer The following characters cannot b...

Last Updated : 16 Apr 2021

When is the public space right inherited?

Question When is the Public Space right inherited? Please tell me the conditions under which the tak...

Last Updated : 01 Sep 2021

I received a virus detection email, to whom was this email sent?

Question I received a virus detection email, to whom was this email sent? Answer Fleekdrive quaranti...

Last Updated : 22 Apr 2022


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