File Operation

When I download multiple files and unzip them, the file names are garbled

Question When I download multiple files, they are automatically compressed, but when I unzip the ZIP...

Last Updated : 14 Nov 2022

What is the impact of changing the delivery’s “Display of sender name of download page”?

Question Where does changing the “Display of sender name of download page” in the delive...

Last Updated : 28 Apr 2023

Will downloads from embedded links remain in the Trail?

Last Updated : 08 Sep 2020

What is the extension of the file in which the thumbnail will be displayed?

Question What is the extension of the file in which the thumbnail will be displayed? Answer Thumbnai...

Last Updated : 17 May 2021

Is it possible to control overwriting to a file with the same name when uploading a file?

Question A file with the same name already existed in the space where the file was uploaded,and it w...

Last Updated : 01 Sep 2021

Is it possible to apply / unlock “Sheet protection” or “Cell lock” in Online Editing?

Question Is it possible to apply / unlock “Sheet protection” or “Cell lock” ...

Last Updated : 26 Jun 2022

I deleted a file, but Space also appears in Trash box.

Question I deleted a file, but Space also appears in Trash box. Is there any problem? Answer If you ...

Last Updated : 11 Jan 2023

Delivered user lost download password which generated automatically. Can I resend password mail?

Question Delivered user deleted password mail which generated automatically. Is there any way to con...

Last Updated : 09 May 2023

Where can I set the rating?

Last Updated : 15 Sep 2020

What does the mark at the bottom right of the file icon mean?

Last Updated : 27 May 2021


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