Space Operation

I can’t change my access authority on the shared space.

Question A user have Standard User authority can’t change “access privileges” by o...

Last Updated : 26 Aug 2021

Is there anything I should note when deactivating a user?

Question I want to deactivate a user, is there anything I should note? Answer User deactivation is i...

Last Updated : 15 May 2023

What kind of function is “Filter specification” in the condition of “Move” function of Smart rules?

Question What kind of function is “Filter specification” in the condition of “Move...

Last Updated : 14 Mar 2024

Is there a way to download space hierarchy information in bulk?

Question Is there a way to download space hierarchy information in bulk? Answer Open the Settings &g...

Last Updated : 31 Mar 2021

I can’t create a space under “Shared” in My Space

Question I would like to create a new space under “Shared” in My Space, but when I click...

Last Updated : 02 Sep 2022

Is there an upper limit when downloading multiple files?

Question Is there an upper limit when downloading multiple files? Answer The upper limit for downloa...

Last Updated : 01 Feb 2021

When I download multiple files and unzip them, the file names are garbled

Question When I download multiple files, they are automatically compressed, but when I unzip the ZIP...

Last Updated : 14 Nov 2022

Can I recover deleted spaces or files from the Fleekdrive Trash Box?

Question Can I recover deleted spaces or files from the Fleekdrive Trash Box? Answer Spaces (folders...

Last Updated : 01 Feb 2021

How does deleted Space appear in Trash Box ?

Question When I delete Space, how does it appear in Trash Box ? Answer When you delete Spaces, they ...

Last Updated : 11 Jan 2023

Are there any prohibited characters in Fleekdrive?

Question Are there any prohibited characters in Fleekdrive? Answer The following characters cannot b...

Last Updated : 16 Apr 2021


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