Space Operation

What is the blue mark displayed on the space icon or file name?

Question What is the blue mark displayed on the space icon or file name? Answer If a public space or...

Last Updated : 14 Jun 2023

If I rename higher Space in Trash Box, does it also change the display in Trash Box?

Question I want to rename space which lower Space has already been deleted. If I do this, what happe...

Last Updated : 11 Jan 2023

How can I change the destination for Smart Rules?

Question How can I change the destination for Smart Rules? Answer You can change it by following the...

Last Updated : 02 Aug 2021

Is there anything I should note when deactivating a user?

Question I want to deactivate a user, is there anything I should note? Answer User deactivation is i...

Last Updated : 15 May 2023


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