
What is the difference between the trail actions “Delete (space,files)” and “Trash (space,files)”?

Question What is the difference between the trail actions “Delete (space,files)” and ...

Last Updated : 17 Aug 2022

Even though the number of deliveries was 0, the delivery usage was counted.

Question After checking the usage amount for each individual from the usage situation, even though t...

Last Updated : 18 Aug 2022

Will downloads from embedded links remain in the Trail?

Last Updated : 08 Sep 2020

I want to check the lifecycle execution date of uploaded files.

Question A space has a “life cycle” set up. The administrator has set up a schedule to b...

Last Updated : 06 Feb 2023

Why is the access authority listed as “Owner” in the Trail?

Question Why is the access authority listed as “Owner” in the Trail? Answer If the user ...

Last Updated : 15 Jun 2021

Is there a way to confirm where the disabled user’s My Space?

Question Everyone has forgotten which user inherited the disabled user’s MySpace. How can the ...

Last Updated : 30 Sep 2021

Is there a way to check the IP address when the user logs in?

Question Is there a way to check the IP address when the user logs in? Answer You can check the IP a...

Last Updated : 12 Oct 2021

The cause of the login failure is not recorded in the Trail.

Question Some users are having trouble logging in. On their login screen, “Authentication login fail...

Last Updated : 15 Oct 2021

How long can I go back and confirm past trails and Space History?

Last Updated : 14 Feb 2022


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