User Management

Even if I access the URL of the password reset mail, the login screen is displayed.

Question Even if I access the URL of the password reset mail, the login screen is displayed. Answer ...

Last Updated : 09 Sep 2020

Can a user who has forgotten own password reset it by oneself?

Question Can a user who has forgotten own password to reset it by oneself without operate of the sys...

Last Updated : 01 Jun 2021

When I try to register a user, I get an error message : “This user ID can not be registered because it is already in use”.

Question When I try to register a user, I get an error message : “This user ID can not be regi...

Last Updated : 13 Mar 2023

Who is the transfer destination when the user who set the activation period is automatically disabled?

Last Updated : 09 Sep 2020

The menu to unlock is not displayed on the user management screen.

Question The user entered the password incorrectly and was locked. When confirm the target user in t...

Last Updated : 08 Jun 2021

User register error occurs like “User ID is malformed.”

Question When I try to register a user, I get an error : “User ID is malformed”. It does...

Last Updated : 14 Mar 2023

Will the administrator be notified when the user’s activation period ends?

Question Will the administrator be notified when the user’s activation period ends? Answer It ...

Last Updated : 15 Sep 2020

Can users receive their first email when they registered as a deactivated user?

Question I registered users by “Import” function. Then I entered ”FALSE” in the &#...

Last Updated : 08 Jul 2021

Is there anything I should note when deactivating a user?

Question I want to deactivate a user, is there anything I should note? Answer User deactivation is i...

Last Updated : 15 May 2023

Is there a way to download space hierarchy information in bulk?

Question Is there a way to download space hierarchy information in bulk? Answer Open the Settings &g...

Last Updated : 31 Mar 2021


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