User Management

Is there a way to confirm where the disabled user’s My Space?

Question Everyone has forgotten which user inherited the disabled user’s MySpace. How can the ...

Last Updated : 30 Sep 2021

I can’t delete the partner information, what should I do?

Question I can’t delete the partner information, what should I do? Answer Partner information ...

Last Updated : 16 Sep 2020

The cause of the login failure is not recorded in the Trail.

Question Some users are having trouble logging in. On their login screen, “Authentication login fail...

Last Updated : 15 Oct 2021

I can’t login to Fleekdrive because I deleted the first email with my login information.

Question I can’t login to Fleekdrive because I deleted the first email with my login informati...

Last Updated : 26 Mar 2021

I cannot register a user on the User Management menu.

Question When I tried to register a user and opened the Settings > User Management screen, but th...

Last Updated : 22 Nov 2021

How to notify users in advance when the activation period will end?

Question How to notify users in advance when the activation period will end? Answer Please use the &...

Last Updated : 30 Jun 2021

How can I import the CSV file to disable users in bulk?

Question How can I import the CSV file to disable users in bulk? Answer You can disable users by set...

Last Updated : 21 Feb 2023

Are there any characters that cannot be registered in the user ID?

Question Are there any characters that cannot be registered in the user ID? Answer The following cha...

Last Updated : 10 Jun 2021

Is it possible to allocation a “community” license to a Partner User?

Question Is it possible to allocation a “community” license to a Partner User? Answer Yo...

Last Updated : 30 Apr 2021

When registering additional users in bulk, is it necessary to import all data including the existing ones?

Question I want to add multiple users by CSV import, but do I need to import all of them including e...

Last Updated : 03 Mar 2023


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