29 Sep 2022

[Important] Notice about ending “Similar image search using artificial intelligense” service.

We are going to end “Similar image search using artificial intelligense” service from release which scheduled on December 17, 2022.

For more information about this service, please check below.
Search By Image

– Background of ending this service.
We are providing this service from April 2019, but running costs and load to our server is very hard for us.
And finally, we decided to end this serivce.

For ending this service, server’s load may decrease and uploading and generating thumbnail time may decrease.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate for your cooperation.


* Please describe the circumstances of events that occurred, frequency of occurrence, and procedures for reproducing in as detail as possible.
Please also inform me of the type of browser in which the event occurred and the environment information such as the OS.

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