30 May 2024
Response to Google’s Tougher Anti-Spam Measures
Thank you for using Fleekdrive.
According to Google’s email sender guidlines,
if you may send 5,000 emails to personal Gmail accounts per day,
sender have to set up email authentication methods showed below.
* For more information, please refer below document announced by Google.
We have already setup above email authentication methods.
But some users who maches below, additional setting has required.
Costomers who matches both below 1 and 2, additional setting
1. Notification Settings > Send Mail > Mail From is set to an address other than the default “info@fleekdrive.com”
(your unique address).
2. More than 5,000 emails are sent to personal Gmail accounts per day from the domain of 1 address.
Please let us know if you may match to above conditions.