23 Feb 2024

Major Version Upgrade

Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.11.0.0

We are going to release improvement and fix of known isses.

Please see the release notes for details.

Download Release info.

18 Aug 2023

Emergency Maintenance

Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.

We respond the following issue.

– Temporary files which generated when upload or checking in files from Fleekdrive Desktop.

* This issue fixed on our server side and there is no client app version upgrade.

17 Dec 2022

Major Version Upgrade

Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.10.0.0

Improve functions, and fix known bugs.

Refer to the release note for more details.

Download Release info.

25 Jun 2022

Major Version Upgrade

Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.9.0.0

Known bugs are fixed.

Refer to the release note for more details.

Download Release info.

23 May 2022


Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.8.1.0

Improve functions.

Refer to the release note for more details.

Download Release info.

26 Mar 2022

Major Version Upgrade

Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.8.0.0

Improve functions, and fix known bugs.

Refer to the release note for more details.

Download Release info.

23 Oct 2021

Major Version Upgrade

Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.7.0.0

Improve functions, and fix known bugs.

Refer to the release note for more details.

Download Release info.

14 Aug 2021

Major Version Upgrade

Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.6.0.0

Improve functions, and fix known bugs.

Refer to the release note for more details.

Download Release info.

12 Apr 2021


Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.5.1.0

Known bugs are fixed.

Refer to the release note for more details.

Download Release info.

27 Feb 2021

Major Version Upgrade

Fleekdrive Desktop Ver.5.0.0

Known bugs are fixed.

Refer to the release note for more details.

Download Release info.


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