Rate a file

Guide for Rating a file.

What is file rate?

By rating files between users, it can explicitly visualize valuable or unnecessary files.
Ratings and Likes! Use features to share which files are important and needed for your entire organization, department, or team.

Open the file

Click the file name that you want to browse.

To rate files (Rating function)

Click the “☆” mark and rate it.

To rate files (Like function)

You can also rate it with the “Like” button.

Confirm the rating

You can confirm the files with the high ratings and many likes in Dashboard.

  • For more information about how to check on Dashboard,click here.

Last Updated : 19 Dec 2022


* Please describe the circumstances of events that occurred, frequency of occurrence, and procedures for reproducing in as detail as possible.
Please also inform me of the type of browser in which the event occurred and the environment information such as the OS.

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