Notify automatically by e-mail when a file is uploaded

Guide for set up an automatic mail notification to users when a file is uploaded.

Setting a mail notification.

Select the desired a space of setting the mail notification, and click “Property”.

Click the “Mail Notification” icon located second from the left.

Specify the target action and destination user.

Please configure the red-bordered section of “Email notification settings.”

In “Target action,” check the actions for which you want to send email notifications.
In “Notification destination,” select the users to be designated as notification recipients (including groups/organizations).

Choose the recipients you want to notify from the users shared in the space (including groups/organizations).
Depending on your selection, the icon color for “All Shared Users” will change.

  • When "All Shared Users" is green, it means that all users in the "Notification destination" (including users from groups/organizations) are selected.

  • When "All Shared Users" is yellow, it indicates that there are groups/organizations where only some users have been selected in the "Notification destination."

  • When "All Shared Users" is gray, it means there are no groups/organizations with yellow indicators, and there are users who will not receive notifications.

    Please configure the items “Updated to adapt to the lower space” and “Automatically add notification settings to newly shared users” as needed.

    The configuration methods are as follows:

  • Updated to adapt to the lower space
  •  If you want to apply it to the lower space, check the box and click “OK.”

  • Automatically add notification settings to newly shared users
  •  If you want to automatically add notification settings for newly shared users, check the box and click “OK.”

    Depending on the settings for “Updated to adapt to the lower space” and “Automatically add notification settings to newly shared users,” the behavior during the addition of shared users (including groups/organizations) will differ as follows:

  • The user who creates the space immediately after its creation will automatically be added as a recipient for email notifications.
  • When adding shared users, if all existing users are notification recipients, the newly shared users will be automatically added as notification recipients.
  • When adding shared users, if only some of the existing users are notification recipients, the newly shared users will not be automatically added as notification recipients.
  • If “Automatically add notification settings to newly shared users” is checked, they will be automatically added as notification recipients regardless of any other conditions.
  • Note: Explanation of the actions
    The rules for actions to apply can be selected from the following 9 items:

    Item Name Explanation
    Upload The rule will be adopted when a file is uploaded.
    Download The rule will be adopted when a file is downloaded.
    Text updated The rule will be adopted when a web text is uploaded.
    Accept file The rule will be adopted when a user is allowed to move and copy a file.
    Delete The rule will be adopted when a file is deleted.
    Check-in The rule will be adopted when a user check-in a file.
    Check out The rule will be adopted when the custom field of date type reached its target date.
    archive The rule will be adopted when a file is archived.
    Update shortcut source The rule will be adopted when the original file of the shortcut has been updated.
    The user who is shared in the space where the shortcut is created will be notified.

    *If upload the files from Fleekdrive Desktop, it will not be notified.

    Last Updated : 23 Jul 2024


    * Please describe the circumstances of events that occurred, frequency of occurrence, and procedures for reproducing in as detail as possible.
    Please also inform me of the type of browser in which the event occurred and the environment information such as the OS.

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