Share Files

Make the exclusive control for files

Guide for making the exclusive control for files. What is check-in and check-out? To make the exclus...

Last Updated : 22 May 2020

Rate a file

Guide for Rating a file. What is file rate? Open the file To rate files (Rating function) To rate fi...

Last Updated : 19 Dec 2022

Communication for file by chatting

Guide for communicating with a shared user on a file by chat. Open the file. Check the file you wish...

Last Updated : 02 Jul 2024

Create a Shortcut

Guide for creating a Shortcut File. What is the function of shortcut? It makes it possible to arrang...

Last Updated : 22 May 2020

Convert the files to PDF

Guide for converting the files to PDF. * The extensions that can be converted to PDF with Fleekdrive...

Last Updated : 16 Jun 2021

Set publication period of file

Guide for setting publication period of file. Set publication period. Select space you wish to set p...

Last Updated : 22 May 2020

Setting tags on files and confirming them in a Tag list

Guide for setting keyword tags on files and confirming them in a Tag list. What is tag search? Tag s...

Last Updated : 22 May 2020

Archive the files

Guide for archiving the files. *There are usage restrictions depending on contract edition. *You can...

Last Updated : 22 May 2020

Create a space

Guide for creating a space. *Spaces means "folders". Open the space you want to create a new space. ...

Last Updated : 02 Jun 2020

Upload the files

Guide for uploading the files. Upload the files. Click the floating button (red plus mark) in the bo...

Last Updated : 22 May 2020


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