Apply or Approve workflow

Apply or withdraw workflow with predefined approval route

Guide for Apply or withdraw workflow with defined approval route. Apply the workflow. Select the fil...

Last Updated : 16 Aug 2021

Apply or withdraw workflow on decide the approval route

Guide for Apply or withdraw workflow on decide the approval routes. Apply the workflow. Select the f...

Last Updated : 16 Aug 2021

Approve or reject the workflow

Guide for approve or reject the workflow. Confirm the unprocessed workflow. Open the Workflow and sw...

Last Updated : 16 Aug 2021

Insert a comment in the workflow

Guide for the steps to comment on the workflow. Check the workflow to which you want to add a commen...

Last Updated : 15 Aug 2021

Publishing the files to outside the company after approved

Guide for publishing the files to outside your company after approved using the Smart Rule. what is ...

Last Updated : 22 May 2020


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